Call for Abstract

6th International Conference on Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, will be organized around the theme “Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Pediatrics and Surgery”

Pediatrics Surgery 2021 is comprised of 17 tracks and 114 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pediatrics Surgery 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pediatrics Primary Care is the healthcare given by a healthcare benefactor to infants, children and adolescents. Primary care to patients is mostly received from professionals such as pediatric primary care physician, pediatric nurse practitioner or a physician assistant. Primary care is the day-to-day attention given by a health care provider. Typically these providers acts as the first contact and primary point of continuing care for patients within a healthcare system and organize other specialist care that the patient may need.

  • Track 1-1Comprehensive care
  • Track 1-2Selective care
  • Track 1-3Child health care
  • Track 1-4Child health disparities
  • Track 1-5Childhood genetic disorder
  • Track 1-6Infants common fever
  • Track 1-7Pediatric infections

Pediatric oncology can be considered and also it is frightening to hear that a children with cancer or a blood disorder. Children have different coping strategies at different developmental stages and have difficulty coping with the emphasis of management surgery chrysotherapy and radiation. The major cause of Cognitive State and impermanence in cancer patients are due to Sepsis. Pediatric mitigation is complex and complex and it had been indicated by global data that the healthcare for children with cancer should include psychological services to prevent long-term emotional and behavioural problems. Pediatric psychosocial oncology is an rising subspecialty of psychosocial oncology which is psychosocially and physically operative. The level of psychosocial operative in pediatric psychosocial oncology is influenced by host of covariant.

  • Track 2-1Leukemias
  • Track 2-2General considerations
  • Track 2-3Brain tumors
  • Track 2-4Soft tissue tumors
  • Track 2-5Liver tumors
  • Track 2-6Germ cell tumors
  • Track 2-7Postpartum period

Pediatric nephrology deals in specialize of identification and come through   the Comprehensive variety of acute and chronic kidney and its severe disorders in children. Pediatric nephrology involved in assessment and management of various kinds of Pediatric nephrological various dysaphia in children. The various that are involved are renal lithiasis, nephro tubular pathology haematuria, Bright’s disease proteinuria, and renal failure. Unequivocal conditions include blood in the urine, blood pressure issues related to kidney efficiency, kidney stones, bladder problems, oedema, decreased kidney function, and water possession issues and urine infections. Because of the probative coincide in function and treatment; pediatric nephrologists and urologists often work closely together. Conditions range from urinary tract occlusion and malformations of the crotch to pathology such as bedwetting and evacuation issues such as hernias and undescended testes, and urinary tract infections

  • Track 3-1Hematuria
  • Track 3-2Proteinuria
  • Track 3-3Hypertension
  • Track 3-4Renal failure
  • Track 3-5Nephrotic syndrome

Pediatric gastroenterology studies decrease the death rate of neonate and children by controlling the spread of infectious disease and promote the healthy lifestyles for a long disease-free life. Degenerative abdominal pain is common in children and juvenile’s .The Pain Prevailing functional gastrointestinal dysaphia are the most common cause of degenerative abdominal pain in children and juveniles. Pain frequency and intensity in children and juvenile with functional abdominal pain disorders are reduced by gut-directed psychotherapy. Self-directed hypnotherapy is known to be the healthy option for children and adolescents with functional abdominal pain disorders.

  • Track 4-1Malabsorption
  • Track 4-2Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Track 4-3Inflammotory bowel disease
  • Track 4-4Enterocolities
  • Track 4-5Gastroschisis
  • Track 4-6Gastroschisis
  • Track 4-7Necrotizing enterocolities

Pediatric endocrinology theologise with aliment of the endocrine glands. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common genetic defect that annals for at least 50% of a typical clinical practise and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has enhanced in children and juveniles and is connected to the rise in phallic stage adiposis. Since Type 2 diabetes mellitus and its comorbidities are risk parameter for vascular disease; it is basic for attention providers to individualize and treat children and juveniles with this disorder. Growth disorders are another most common problem especially those conformable to growth hormone treatment. Some of the examples incorporate diabetes, thyroid concerns, early or retarded puberty, blood sugar issues, accelerated or retarded growth, adrenal or pituitary gland pathology, and ovarian or testicular disorders.

  • Track 5-1Disorders of puberty
  • Track 5-2Disorders of adrenal gland
  • Track 5-3Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Track 5-4Pseudohypoparathyroidism
  • Track 5-5Disorders of puberty
  • Track 5-6Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Track 5-7Hypoglycemia

Pediatric Neurology is mainly concerned in the accumulation of neurology and pediatrics. Pediatric neurology is advised as the tract of medicine mostly deals with different disorders which are seen in assorted nervous systems. The mortify of child neurology compass diseases and disorders of the spinal cord, brain, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, muscles and blood vessels that affect individuals in these age groups. Neurology relies to a great extent on the field of neuroscience, which is the scientific study of nervous system.

  • Track 6-1Traumatic brain Injury
  • Track 6-2Approach to the comatose patient
  • Track 6-3Headaches in childhood
  • Track 6-4Movement disorders
  • Track 6-5Spina bifidia

Pediatrics infectious disease is to decrease infants and child rate of deaths, control the spread of infectious diseases advance healthy lifestyles for a long disease-free life and help ease the problems of children and juveniles. Pediatric infected diseases are the diseases which will affect the child has a continual or persistent disease caused by an infectious agent such as bacteria, fungus, parasite and other rare infections. Some of the pediatric infectious diseases incorporate bone infections, skin infections, joint infections, blood infections. The major causes for Pediatric infectious diseases are the fungal infection, parasitic infection, bacterial infection and viral infections etc.

  • Track 7-1Evaluation of child with fever
  • Track 7-2Upper respiratory infections
  • Track 7-3Parotitis
  • Track 7-4Diarrhoea
  • Track 7-5Cervical lymphadentis
  • Track 7-6Bone and joint infections

Pediatric Cardiology is considered as a branch which involved in treating the circumstance of Pediatric child heart related problems and also it is mainly concentrate on the diagnosing of various congenital heart defects in infants; the various characteristic procedures concerned in diagnosis the various heart problems in children. Some of the symptoms range from heart murmurs and chest pain to dizzy spells, muscle disorders, valve defects, irregular heart rhythm, palpitations, high or low blood pressure, and other issues related to the blood vessels.

  • Track 8-1Congestive heart failure
  • Track 8-2Innocent cardiac murmurs
  • Track 8-3Acynatoic congential heart disease
  • Track 8-4Cyanotic congential heart disease
  • Track 8-5Chest pain
  • Track 8-6Pediatric infective pericarditis
  • Track 8-7Pediatrics rheumatic heardiseases
  • Track 8-8Perinatal and childhood stroke
  • Track 8-9Pediatrics cardiac case reports

Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) is a field of medicine for the identification of acute illness in children. They are the real deal their symptoms are real and not incisive. PEM specialists broach with disorders such as neonatology, forensic pediatrics etc. It involves the care of uniform unscheduled children with acute illnesses or injuries that require immediate medical observance. While not usually sanitating long-term or continuing care, pediatric emergency doctors undertake the necessary research and interventions to diagnose patients in the intense phase, to liaise with physicians from other specialities, and to resuscitate and stabilize children who are seriously ill or injured. Pediatric emergency physicians generally practice in hospital emergency departments.

  • Track 9-1Infant and child cardio pulmonary resuscitation
  • Track 9-2Shock
  • Track 9-3Trauma
  • Track 9-4Pediatric emergencies
  • Track 9-5Pediatric critical care

Clinical Pediatrics is a medicinal diary that take after to distribute and to accessible data on a difference in child focus mind themes alongside those of a clinical, logical, conduct, instructive, or moral nature. Clinical Pediatrics susceptibility is additionally a standout amongst the most essential and generally contemplated regions in novel research of this field. Provisional location of disease in kids additionally is taking prior consideration in Clinical pediatrics malignancy

  • Track 10-1Delayed development
  • Track 10-2Pediatric obesity
  • Track 10-3Pediatric disorders
  • Track 10-4Birth defects
  • Track 10-5Abnormalities in children
  • Track 10-6Toxicology in children
  • Track 10-7Twin-to-twin transfusion
  • Track 10-8Eye surgery

Pediatric nutrition is the maintenance of a proper well-symmetrical diet consisting of the essential nutrients and the capable caloric intake necessary to promote growth and sustain the physiologic requirements at the various stages of a child's development. Infant nutritional needs vary considerably with age, level of recreation, and environmental conditions and they are directly related to the rate of growth. During the infant stage the need for calories is greater than any postpartum stage due to rapid increase in both height and weight. In general, the average child expands 55% of energy on metabolic maintenance, 25% on activity, 12% growth, and 8% on excretion.

  • Track 11-1Pediatric nutrition in chronic diseases
  • Track 11-2Food allergies in pediatrics
  • Track 11-3Pediatric malnutrition effects
  • Track 11-4Clinical nutrition
  • Track 11-5Decannulation
  • Track 11-6Sports nutrition & fitness
  • Track 11-7Nutrition and health
  • Track 11-8Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Track 11-9Pediatric otology

Pediatrics is known as another cutting limb study in the general public today and includes the remedial care of new-born children, kids, and young people The study of pediatrics is decreasing the ending rates of the babies and the kids and furthermore to control the spreading of illnesses which are Pediatric infectious diseases which will advance the healthy life form huge diseases-free life to draw out the issues of young people and youngsters. This can be seen that the development of pediatrics is finished by knowing the different pediatric genetic dysaphia primary subjects which for the most part required for pediatrics. The fundamental treatment which agrees in pediatrics is advancing the improvement of pediatric health in adolescents and new-born children

  • Track 12-1Child growth
  • Track 12-2Immunization
  • Track 12-3Child screening
  • Track 12-4Developmental screening
  • Track 12-5Anticipatory guidance

Birth defects range from minor to severe, potentially poignant how body parts form and function and how the body uses food. While the cause may remain unknown or due to circumstance causes, some problems are genetic (passed down through genes). Most of the children are born healthy with birth imperfection or any other medical problems. But in some cases children are born with differences in their brain development, obstruction of body or body chemistry that can lead to problems with health, development their performance and social interaction.

  • Track 13-1Fetal surgery
  • Track 13-2Common genetic disorders
  • Track 13-3Lysosomal storage diseases
  • Track 13-4Disorders of metal metabolism
  • Track 13-5Defects in carbohydrate metabolism
  • Track 13-6Fetal stress response
  • Track 13-7Hypoglycemia

Neonatology is a sub speciality of pediatrics that exits of the medical care of new-born infants, especially the ill or early new-born. It is a hospital-based specialty, and is usually expert in neonatal intensive care unit (NICUs).The principal patients of neonatologists are new-born infants who are ill or compel special medical care due to prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth regulation, congenital malformations, sepsis, pulmonary hypoplasia or birth hypoxia. In modern NICUs, infants weighing more than 1000 grams and born after 27 weeks maternity have an approximately 90% chance of survival and the majority have normal neurological development.

  • Track 14-1Community neonatal education
  • Track 14-2Fetal and perinatal therapy
  • Track 14-3Neonatal medicine
  • Track 14-4Neonatal resuscitation
  • Track 14-5Neonatal nursing
  • Track 14-6Maternal and fetal health
  • Track 14-7Inheritance patterns
  • Track 14-8Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Track 14-9Fetal evaluation and prenatal diagnosis

Pediatric Nursing is the restorative care of neonates and youngsters up to adolescence, as an edict in an in-patient hospital or day-clinic. Neonatal nurses are registered nurses who have some expertise in working with these youthful, vulnerable patients. Neonatal nursing is a branch of health care that mostly centres in giving care and support for new-born babies who were born precipitately, or suffering from health problems such as birth defects, diseases, or heart deformities. Several neonatal nurses work in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU),  giving very particular medicinal care to in danger infants.

  • Track 15-1Pediatrics and maternal nursing
  • Track 15-2Clinical nursing
  • Track 15-3Pediatric psychiatric nursing
  • Track 15-4Community and home health nursing
  • Track 15-5Pediatric intensive care
  • Track 15-6Fundamental nursing

Children with fever account for as many as 25% of pediatrics emergency department (ED) visits, and the underlying disorders in these cases range from genial conditions to the most serious of bacterial and viral seizure. Asphyxial cardiac arrest is more prevail than VF cardiac arrest in infants and children, and ventilations are extremely important in pediatric resuscitation. The track includes pediatric thoracolumbar spine traumachild abuse & management, educational & preventive measures and skull fractures.

  • Track 16-1Critical care in trauma
  • Track 16-2Psychological trauma
  • Track 16-3Intensive care in trauma
  • Track 16-4Blunt trauma
  • Track 16-5Trauma therapy

Pediatric Surgery is a subspecialty of surgery incorporates the surgery of embryos, babies, kids, adolescents and youthful grown-ups. Pediatric surgery appear amidst the twentieth century as the surgical care of birth defectiveness required novel procedures and techniques and turned out to be all the more normally based at youngsters therapeutic facilities. In these sort Pediatric surgery distinctive sorts of novel contrivance and techniques are most regularly used at kids healing facilities Sub engrossment of pediatric surgery itself integrate neonatal surgery and foetal surgery.

  • Track 17-1Fetal surgery
  • Track 17-2Eye surgery
  • Track 17-3Vascular surgery
  • Track 17-4Oral and maxillofacial Surgery
  • Track 17-5Separation of conjoined twins
  • Track 17-6Colo rectal surgery
  • Track 17-7Trauma surgery