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Geetha M Arora

Geetha M Arora

Fortis Healthcare, Delhi NCR, India

Title: Role of neonatal occupational therapist in early identification, sensory/neurodevelopmental care and early intervention in high risk infants


Biography: Geetha M Arora


Neonatal intensive care unit professionals specialize in one aspect as your baby’s health care, neonatal occupational therapist treats the whole child. Research over 30 years have shown, that babies who are admitted for neonatal care are at high riskfor developmental problems later in life, be that a result of a premature birth or a complicated full term delivery. High risk birth also has a major impact on the family as a whole, affecting parent’s mental health and well-being and their interaction with their child, which can influence child’s outcome. Early sensory and motor & behavioral assessment, modification in environment, feeding, early intervention and parent education delivered in the first two years of life during a period of rapid brain maturation, neuro developmental plasticity may have lifelong benefits on a child’s health and wellbeing. Occupational therapists look at how the baby interacts with the nice environment and how that affects their development which is often referred as developmental care. Occupational therapist plays an important role in high risk infant’s sensory system and their ability to organize and regulate the stimuli in the world around them. They recognize that each baby requires an individualized approach that addresses their unique capabilities to reach their full potential. The primary goals of neonatal occupational therapist are to improve developmental outcomes and facilitate baby family connection.