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Alhada Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia


Al Hada Armed Forces Hospital is a tertiary care hospital with specialist training programmes for pediatric department. It has approximately 400 in-patient beds. The pediatric surgery unit provides tertiary care service for the region. The unit serves inpatient, outpatient, NICU and emergency. Each month 200 operations done as a day case, admit and emergency basis. He is responsible for all pediatric surgery inpatients care, NICU, PICU, OR and emergency especially trauma patients at Al Hada hospital. This region have high trauma patient due to location and high turnout of visitors to Makkah, the only link road from western region. Saudi Arabia has second in world with high morbidity and mortality related trauma. He is a dedicated and committed employee of Al Hada Hospital and he strives to achieve its vision of providing excellence in healthcare.




Abstract : Extract of phenolic compounds obtained from tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) pods can mitigate acrylamide